Welcome to Kindergarten at Gold Rush Elementary. My name is Stephanie Brown and I will be your child’s Kindergarten teacher. Kindergarten is the first year of formal education that a child receives, and I am honored to be part of the journey with you and your family. This year your child will develop into a reader, writer, a mathematician, a scientist, a good friend, and a student! Talk about new beginnings! I am continually amazed by the brilliance of 5 and 6 year olds! They learn quickly, are curious, and have fun doing so. They truly are amazing!
Throughout the year your child will learn many academic concepts. We will learn about letters, words, and numbers. Students will do tons of reading, writing, and math. We will study the relationship between the earth and sun, force and motion, and lots about animals. We will learn about the 7 continents, how to be a good citizen and a little about the sequencing of historical events. Most importantly, we will work hard to establish a love for learning, thinking, and how to be part of a classroom community.
I am sure you are curious about me, as I will be spending lots of time with you and your child. I earned my teaching degree from the University of Northern Colorado, then immediately earned a Masters Degree in Literacy from The University of Colorado at Boulder. In 2004 I became National Board Certified in Literacy. I have been teaching for 19 years, with 15 of those years at the Kindergarten level. In addition to teaching Kindergarten I have worked as a reading specialist in first grade, and currently serve as the RtI specialist (Response to Intervention Specialist) here at Gold Rush for Kindergarten, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. I love Kindergarten, the newness, the energy of both students and families, the incredible amount of learning that occurs is inspiring.
Outside of school I enjoy spending time with my family. I am married and have three children. Ellianna is 18 and will be heading off to study nursing at the University of Missouri. Clara is 15 and will be a Sophomore at Legend High School. Kellen is 9 and will be in 4th grade here at Gold Rush. In my spare time I enjoy doing anything outdoors, exercising, practicing yoga, traveling, watching football (GO BUFFS! I suppose we will be cheering for the Mizzou as well), learning, and carpooling my children to and from their activities. Truth be told, I spend the majority of my time outside of school in the car with my kids, but one can dream right? I love a challenge and enjoy learning anything new.
I look forward to working with you and your child in the upcoming school year! If you have questions over the summer, please feel free to email me at Stephanie.brown@dcsdk12.org.
Stephanie Brown
Important info/things to do:
1. Letter
I would love the chance to get to know your child more before the school year starts. Please email me a short letter letting me know about your child. This can include interests, concerns, and information about them both socially and academically. If you can, please include a picture of your child with your email. This really helps me associate their name with their face. Please email me a letter about your child by August 1st.
2. Wednesday, July 18th – July 31st Online Express Check In:
Online Express Check In will open on Wednesday, July 18.
Click here to login. You will use Online Express Check In to update your contact information, pay school fees and sign up for volunteer opportunities. Please note that some of the forms need to be printed and turned in to your teacher during Meet Your Teacher Day on Monday, August 6, or the first day of school. All students must register via Online Express Check In by July 31st. For assistance please contact one of the individuals below:
3. Monday, August 6th - Meet Your Teacher:
We believe that it is essential for students to have the opportunity to meet their teacher and visit their classroom prior to the first day of school. Families are welcome to visit our classroom on Monday, August 6, and drop off
school supplies.
** Since the first day of Kindergarten is already overwhelming for your little ones we ask that you please drop of school supplies at Meet Your Teacher instead. It helps us out greatly to have supplies already taken care of before the first day! You do not need to label your child's supplies since we do community supplies in Kindergarten. **
We want to ensure that families are able to spend time with me in a small group setting so we ask that you sign up for one of the times shown below by clicking
here for our online scheduler. The online scheduler will be available July 18th through July 31st and the password is digger. The sign up is first come first serve, so please sign up as soon as possible if you have a preferred time or wish to align siblings’ times. If you ordered school supplies through the PTO they will be delivered to our classroom.
Click here for a map of teachers’ classrooms.
Meet Your Teacher Times on Monday, August 6th-
4. Thursday, August 9th - First Full Day of School:
The first full day of school for students in grades K-5 is Thursday, August 9th. Students will meet their teachers on the front blacktop on the first day of school for an opening flag ceremony that begins at 8:30 AM. Our Kindergarten class will be meeting and sitting right outside our classroom door.
Click herefor a map of your classroom location for our opening ceremony. All teachers will also have a sign with their name on it. After the ceremony is over you will say good-bye to your child outside. They will then follow me into the classroom and start their first day! Please do not come into the classroom with your Kindergartener or wait outside the windows. We know this is an emotional day for you but saying good-bye to your child at the door will help us promote the independence he or she needs.
Friday, August 10th - Rolling Start to the School Day Begins:
On the second day of school students will enter the building through our outside classroom door between 8:20 AM-8:30AM. A Teacher Aide will hold open our door and guide students into the classroom while I am inside welcoming students and helping them get unpacked. Our rolling start ensures a smooth start to the day. Please do not come into the classroom with your Kindergartener or wait outside the windows. We know this is an emotional day for you but saying good-bye to your child at the door will help us promote the independence they need. School will be in session from 8:30AM-3:30PM this year.
5. Bell Schedule
8:20 AM First Bell
Signals that students can enter the building.
Cross walk supervision begins.
Students should not arrive to school prior to this bell.
8:30 AM Start of the School Day - Your child should be unpacked and ready to learn starting at 8:30. By this time students have unpacked, checked in using the SMARTboard, submitted their lunch choice, and joined our morning meeting!
8:35 AM Tardy Bell - We submit attendance at 8:35 and then leave our classroom to walk to our first "specials" of the day. If your child is walking in at 8:35 they will not only be marked tardy but will have missed out on our morning meeting and getting all of the above tasks finished before leaving for "Specials".
6. Calendar/Times/Drop-off
Click here for the 2018 - 2019 Conventional Calendar
Click here for information regarding the Rolling Start to the School Day
Click here for general drop off and pick up procedures.
7. Wednesday, August 15th – Back to School Night for Parents Only:
I will be providing parents with an overview of the school year on Wednesday, August 15th, during the following two Back to School Night sessions: 6:05-6:35 PM & 6:40-7:10 PM. The principal will share school celebrations and upcoming goals for the year in the gym beforehand from 5:45-6:00 PM. We hope you will join us for these informative sessions.
8. Thursday, August 28th – 1 Assessment Hour:
In an attempt to gain more targeted information regarding your child’s academic strengths and needs each child will come to school for one hour only on August 28th to complete reading and math assessments. The assessments administered allow me alter my instruction to meet your child’s individual needs and learning style.
here for the online conference scheduler between July 18th – July 31st to select an assessment time for your child. The password is digger. Because we value the information we obtain on these days, it is mandatory that all children complete their assessments on August 28th. Please bring your child to the front vestibule by the office. There will be teachers waiting there to escort him/her to his/her testing location. Students will conclude their assessment hour in the gym where your child will take his/her school picture. Our Before and After School Enrichment program (B.A.S.E.) will be available on August 28th. Please contact B.A.S.E. as soon as possible as spaces are limited.